Laparoscopic Surgery
Animac Vets now offers minimally invasive keyhole surgery (laparoscopy).
This new service offers a less invasive & less traumatic option for female neutering and other surgical procedures, with a faster and more comfortable recovery period.
What is Laparoscopy?
Laparoscopic surgery is an advanced technique that can be used as an alternative to traditional “open” surgical procedures.
A camera is inserted through a small incision in the abdomen and magnifies the internal structures on a TV monitor, allowing great visualisation & precision.
Additional small incisions are made to facilitate the use of surgical instruments like forceps and the sealing/divider system.
The vessel sealing system that we use during laparoscopy is called LigaSure, an advanced & secure method to prevent bleeding.
How is this less invasive than a normal spay and what are the benefits?
During a normal or open spay, the surgeon creates an incision large enough to get their fingers into the abdomen.
The laparoscopic procedure with a smaller incision, has a lower risk of infection, quicker recovery time, reduced blood loss and significantly less pain for your pet.
Is the uterus removed with the ovaries?
No. With keyhole surgery only the ovaries are removed. This has been common practice when spaying in the USA & Europe for more than 35 years.
Does it cost more?
There is specialised equipment and training needed to perform these procedures, so the cost will be more than traditional open surgical procedures, but not as much as you may think. Please contact us at the practice to enquire about the costs involved.
What other procedures can be performed?
If you have any questions or need any further information, please contact us at the practice on 01314529277.
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